Thursday, December 19, 2013

It certainly has been a while

So it has been a while since I last posted anything here. After my writing class finished (which was the original reason I created this blog) I pretty much gave up on updating this. Especially considering that I had finals to look after around the end of the semester, including the one for the class this was originally created for. When projects take the place of finals a large chunk of time is cut out of life.

However I always did enjoy running this blog and recently I re-read everything I had posted. I'm actually rather surprised at the amount and dedication I put into it. I would love to revive this blog and do my best to review the shows and games that I have been enjoying lately.

To start I would like to write a final opinion of the three shows I was reviewing when this blog finished. This post will focus on Code Geass.

Code Geass:

To put it bluntly, I love this series. There are quite a few reasons why, but I'll try and be as brief as possible regarding this show. The first thing I absolutely love is the character design. CLAMP has always been one of my favorite manga companies and--while they were not the original authors of the material--their designs have always delighted me. Even the most exaggerated of facial expressions manages to convey the emotion with gripping strength. Out of context, however, they are rather hilarious. I'm not going to deny that.

I also love the music, particularly the openings and endings of the series. The background music itself is also gripping, but I find myself singing the openings every now and again even after 6 years. The final opening to the show is one of few songs I can recall correctly each time I try and remember it, and as I write this review it is once again stuck in my head.

Everything about this show is amazing, from the characters to the story itself. While some people have issues with the latter half of R2 I personally found little to complain about. While things get a little complicated and some things may appear to come out of nowhere the story mainly follows the tale of the characters. The characters continue to be lovable and their melancholy is the viewer's melancholy. The dub, as I've said before, is phenomenal. There isn't much I can say about it, although I personally felt that Rolo's voice could have used tweeking. Considering Code Geass is a show with several dozen main characters it's understandable that they can't all be perfect, but Spike Spencer didn't fit the character and at times I found it hard to take him seriously. As I was particularly attached to Rolo this was rather jarring for me. However, it wasn't terrible and overall it doesn't detract from the dub that much. Especially if you dislike Rolo.

Grabbing the DVDs may be beyond the average person's grasp at the moment seeing as the company that originally released it has since ceased to be the series was picked back up and DVDs will likely be reprinted and bring with them lower prices.

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